Ryan Sandoval

About Me

Duration: 2018/5 – 2018/8

Status: Completed

Present position: Computer Engineering Student at The University of Alberta

University: University of Alberta

Project/Thesis Title: Incident Assistance Project, Port Scanning and Object Classification Project, This Website

Abstract: The Incident Assistance Project will be used to help in the event of a cybersecurity breach. Throughout a project, users will be able to log activities that they have done using an online form. When an incident occurs (i.e. DOS attacks, an excessive drop in site/app visits), the application will be able to automatically investigate the previous logs and compile a report that will be sent to the administrators of the affected site.

The Port Scanning Project was first started by Jean-Claude Nikoue where he implemented a port scanning mechanism. My task was to implement the code required to classify objects using the open ports. This is done with the help of the SHODAN Database.

The 2018 redesign of this website allows for a more intuitive and pleasant experience for its users. The plugins and themes were also analyzed in order to ensure a more modular system.